Special Report

Special Report Vol. 71 (2023)

  • 2023-06-28
  • GDPC

Special Report Vol. 71 (2023)

Proposing the Strategic Program and the Methods of System Improvement in Korea-ASEAN ODA

Chapter I. Introduction

Chapter II. Necessity of Strategic Korea-ASEAN ODA Program

Chapter III. Development Demand and Spatial Information Analysis for Discovering Strategic Programs

1. The Directionality of Strategic Programs and Analytical Methods

2. ASEAN Regional Geographical Information System Analysis Results

Chapter IV. Analysis of Overseas Cases of ODA for ASEAN Urban and Regional Development

Chapter V. ASEAN ODA Strategy Program and System Improvement Plan

1. Basic Direction of Korea-ASEAN ODA Strategy Program

2. Korea-ASEAN ODA Strategic Program Proposal

3. Korea-ASEAN ODA SYstem Improvement Plan

Chapter VI. Conclusion and SIgnificance of the Study


The purpose of this study is to derive strategic programs to implement and secure the competitiveness of Korea- ASEAN Official Development Assistance (ODA), as well as suggest ways to improve the ODA performance system necessary for promoting strategic programs. This study constructed text-based ODA statistical data into a Geographical Information System (GIS) to provide a multifaceted portrait of Korean ODA projects and to identify comparative advantages and differences. The GIS analysis tool was used to create spatial visualization of the data on the urbanization, poverty rate, and natural environment of cities in Association of South- East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Lastly, the location of Korea- ASEAN ODA project overlapped with the visualized spatial information to analyze whether Korea’s ODA projects were executed according to the development needs of partner countries. From the results, this study derived the types of strategic programs and system improvement plans.

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