Space & Environment

S&E (Vol. 95)

  • 2024-03-06
  • GDPC

SPACE & ENVIRONMENT VOL. 95 (September 2023)

Decentralization and Balanced Development

01 A Study on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Urban Areas for the Multipolar Decentralized Territory / Sunghee Min

1. The need for the development of small and medium-sized urban areas

2. Setting the spatial scope for the development of small and medium-sized urban areas

3. Direction and policy tasks for the development of small and medium-sized urban areas

02 Linking Decentralization and Balanced Development: Lessons from France Case / Soo Jin Kim

1. Background and Meaning

2. Changing Values of Decentralization and Balanced Development in France

3. Two Spaces of Cohesion in France: Integration and Solidarity

4. Implications and Policy Directions

03 Policy directions and action plans for balanced development after the COVID-19 pandemic / Kyunghyun Park

1. Changes brought by COVID-19

2. Regional imbalance in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic

3. Policy directions and implications in response to the aggravation of spatial inequalities

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