Space & Environment

S&E (Vol. 89)

  • 2022-07-29
  • GDPC


Development and Cooperation Strategies in Border Area

01 A New 'Connection' of Inter-Korean Collaborative Tourism / Yong-Ho Lim

1. Background and significance

2. Changes in the environment surrounding inter-Korean tourism cooperation

3. Inter-Korean tourism cooperation based on humanitarian development cooperation

4. Conclusion and proposal

02 Implementation Plan for Inter-Regional Linkage Projects for Balanced Development of Border Areas / Min-Jo Kang

1. Necessity and direction of the linkage of practical projects in the inter-Korean border areas

2. Selection of linkage projects for balanced development of border areas

3. Direction for planning of linkage projects in the border areas by sector

4. Step-by-step implementation plan and governance plan for linkage projects

03 A Study on Inter-Korean Cooperation Through the Analysis of land Developnment Cases in Vietnam / Sungsu Lee

1.Background and Significance

2.The reformation and restoration of Vietnam and the results of international cooperation

3. Case of Vietnam's land development and its implications for North Korea

4. Policy recommendations for inter-Korean cooperation policy measures

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