Space & Environment

S & E (Vol. 77)

  • 2019-09-03
  • GDPC


Issue and Trends 01

01 Direction of the Smart City Strategy in Korea / Jaeyong Lee

1. Changes in Korea's Smart City Policy

2. Types of Smart Cities by Urban Space and Tailored Strategies

3. Future Orentations for the Smart City in Korea

Issue and Trends 02

02 Strategic Implementation of the 'Urban Regeneration New Deal' Program in Korea / Minho Seo, Yujin Bae and Kyusang Kwon

1. Background and Significance

2. Conditions for Urban Regeneration New Deal Program and Fact-finding Analysis

3. Strategic Implementation of the Urban Regeneration New Deal Program

4. Policy Recommendations

In-Depth Look 01

03 How to Develop Smart Mobility in Small and Medium-sized Cities / Jong-Il Park

1. Background and Purpose

2. Necessity of Application of Smart Mobility to Small and Medium-sized Cities

3. Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Cities and Appropriate Smart Mobility

4. Policy Recommendations

In-Depth Look 02

04 Development of Smart Cities and Spatial Information / Siyeong Lim

1. Background and Objectives

2. Status of Use and Expectations on Smart Cities Spatial Information

3. Object-oriented Testing and Limitations

4. Policy Directions

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