Space & Environment

S & E (Vol. 74)

  • 2018-11-29
  • Kim Minjee


In-Depth Look

01 Toward Balanced Regional Development in the Low-growth Era: Issues and Policy/ Hongki Ahn

1. Characteristics of the Low-growth Era and Balanced Regional Development

2. Direction of Balanced Regional Development in Low growth Era

3. Policy Implications for Balanced Regional Development

02 Conception, Normative Directives, and Policy Tasks towards Inclusive National Territory/ Jeongho Moon

1. Background and Purpose

2. The Concept of “Inclusive National Territory” as a Higher Norm

3. Inclusive Territorial Policies and Implications

4. Vision, Goals, and Future Tasks of Inclusive Territory Policies

5. Conclusion

03 Monitoring Land Cover in North Korea and Policy Proposals/ Minjo Kang, Youngho Lim

1. Background and Objective

2. Analysis of Land Coverage in North Korea and Monitoring Case Studies

3. Use of Monitoring Data on Land Cover in North Korea for Policy Purposes

04 Suggestions for the Development of the New Economic Map of the Korean/ Hyunju Lee

1. Background

2. Internal & External Conditions

3. Suggestions for the New Economic Map Initiative for the Korean Peninsula

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