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News & Events

The First GDPC Academy 2024

  • 2024-05-13
  • GDPC

The First GDPC Academy 2024

Date: February 21 (Wed), 2024

Venue: KRIHS, Sejong, Korea

The first GDPC Academy took place on February 21, 2024, at KRIHS. Dr. Taihee Lee from the Korea Development Institute (KDI) delivered a presentation focusing on Korea’s international development cooperation strategies, with an emphasis on the Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) and the Economic Innovation Partnership Program (EIPP).

During the presentation, Dr. Lee covered the following topics: (1) a brief history of international development cooperation in and out of Korea, (2) policy consultation and goal/result-oriented management, (3) key management strategies for KSP and EIPP projects.The presentation provided valuable insights into the evolution of international development cooperation in response to global issues over time. Dr. Lee highlighted the importance of knowledge sharing as a key aspect of development cooperation, exemplified by Korea's initiatives in KSP and EIPP. The significance of needs assessment and output/objective-oriented performance was also emphasized. Following the presentation, participants engaged in active discussions with the presenter.

The GDPC Academy is a monthly event aimed at KRIHS members interested in international development cooperation. The next special lecture will take place in March.

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