Special Report

Special Report (Vol. 59)

  • 2021-07-16
  • GDPC

Special Report Vol. 59 (2021)

Spatial Justice: What’s the Right Way to Distribute Social Infrastructure?

Chapter I. Introduction

Chapter II. Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Social Infrastructure

1. Why Spatial Justice?
2. Spatial Justice and the Right to the City

Chapter III. Measuring Spatial Equity in Korean Municipalities

1. Data and Method
2. Results
3. Discussion

Chapter IV. Strategies for Improving Social Infrastructure Delivery System

1. Establishing Standards for Minimum Services at the National and Local Levels
2. Establishing Strategic Plans Considering the Demands of Regions that Do Not Meet the Minimum Standards
3. Making Multi-Use Facilities and Connect Related Service Functions
4. Constructing a Virtuous Cycle of Supply and Operation Led by the Community

Chapter V. Conclusion


In rural areas, the quality of life of residents is deteriorating because of a lack of availability of facilities, or in cases where facilities have already been built, they are not properly utilized due to decreases in population. Therefore, this study was intended to develop a strategy to foster spatial justice in promoting social infrastructure policies that improve quality of life, and in this process, also develop a plan to continuously maintain relevant facilities and services, even in cases where such social infrastructure is supplied to deprived areas.

To that end, the spatial equity of access to social infrastructure was analyzed in cooperation with basic local governments in the Republic of Korea. First, the spatial equity of individual facilities was analyzed. The results from this analysis indicated that the level of equity in rural areas was generally low, and the level of equity of some facilities was shown to be low, even in cities. Next, the comprehensive equity of all facilities was analyzed, and as a result, at least half of basic local governments were found to be at very low levels, and almost all such areas were highly likely to become extinct.

Strategies for improving social infrastructure delivery system were therefore developed, which were divided into four stages: minimum standard, strategic plan, delivery method, and operation/governance. These stages are defined as follows. First, minimum service standards for social infrastructure should be established at the national and regional levels. Second, social infrastructure strategic plans should be established that take into account the demands of regions that do not meet the minimum standards. Third, social infrastructure should be made multi-use and related service functions should be linked. Fourth, in the aspect of operation and governance, a virtuous cycle of social infrastructure supply and operation led by local communities should be established.

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