Special Report

Special Report (Vol. 42)

  • 2019-01-15
  • You Chanyong

Special Report Vol. 42 (2018)


Chapter I. Introduction

Chapter II. Public Space Functions of Roads and Limitations of URND Projects

1. Public Space Functions of Roads

2. Urban Regeneration New Deal Projects

3. Domestic and Overseas Benchmarks for Promoting Public Space Functions of Roads

Chapter III. Analysis of Use of Public Space Functions of Roads

1. Road and Urban Planning and Design

2. Ongoing Urban Regeneration Projects

3. Proposals for Urban Regeneration New Deal Projects

Chapter IV. Policy Suggestions for Utilization of Public Space Functions of Roads

1. Basic Directions

2. Amending Related Regulations

Chapter V. Conclusions



Analysis of the literature on the use of the public space functions of roads in urban

regeneration projects and assessment of their status quo in case study regions show

how insufficient the utilization of such functions is. Korea’s Road Act lacks a legal basis

for the use of such functions in a way that prioritizes people and urban activities over

motor vehicles. This is because of the dearth of guidelines on the application of the

Regulation on the Criteria for Road Structure and Facilities (Article 17). Despite the

inextricable relationship between roads and urban regeneration projects in project

zones, central government offices have not reflected this and instead have implemented

urban regeneration projects through piecemeal efforts receiving budgetary support.

This problematic situation demands a shift toward road policy that extends beyond

the traffic function of roads to utilize their public space functions, developing personoriented

spaces for urban activity in accordance with special purpose areas and

road functions. Regulations related to the Road Act should be amended to ease the

implementation of urban regeneration projects and raise the synergy effects of land and

transportation policy. Guidelines also needed for both urban regeneration and the use

of such road functions are expected to contribute to boosting urban activities without

discrimination and stimulating regional economies.

Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) needs to form a

cooperative system connecting departments tasked with roads, urban planning, and

traffic while simultaneously providing budget to ensure a synergy effect on policy. Pilot

projects for urban regeneration and using the public space functions of roads are also

required. The MOLIT Road Policy Bureau must devise a budget support program for

such functions in urban regions to allow them to raise city competitiveness and improve

quality of life.

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