Space & Environment

S & E (Vol. 72)

  • 2018-04-16
  • Kim Minjee

SPACE & ENVIRONMENT VOL. 72 (December 2017)

In-Depth Look

01 Analysis of Factors that Influence Regional Development Strategy Based on Cultural Resources / Soonja Lee

1. Overview

2. Identifying the Influencing Factors in Regional Development Driven by Cultural Resources

3. Study on Cases of Utilizaing Culturla Resources for Proving Major Influencing Factors

4. Conclusion and Future Tasks​

02 Application of Flow Big Data on Territory Changes after the Opening of the KTX Honam Line/ Jonghak Kim

1. What is Flow Big Data?

2. Change 1: 22.4% of the Country's Total Land Area has been Compressed after the Opening of KTX

3. Change 2: Credit Card Spending of the Population that Migrated towards the Station Areas has Increased

4. ​Change 3: The Center Point of Active Population Moved towards KTX Stations

5. Policy Implications​

03 Urban Regeneration and Gentrification/ Jieun Song

1​. Background and Current Status of Urban Regeneration in Korea

2. Side Effects of Urban Regeneration

3. Example of Gentrification through Urban Regeneration: The Old Inner City in Daegu's Jung District

4. Implications

04 Habitat III and its Implications for Urban Policy in Korea/ Sehoon Park

1​. Habitat III: Background and Significance

2. "Cities for All": Understanding the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III

3. Implications for Urban Policy in Korea

Global Partnership News

- WB-KRIHS 6th Annual Workshop

- IDB-KRIHS 5th Annual Worshop & MOU Signing Ceremony

- Technical Deep Drive on Managing Urban Expansion in Mega-Metropolitan Area

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