Space & Environment

S & E (Vol. 85)

  • 2021-05-27
  • GDPC


Issues and Trends 01

01 Rebuilding International Cooperation Strategies in the Urban Sector for Implementing the SDGs / Se Hoon Park

1. UN Sustainable Development Goals and Urban Policy

2. Development Cooperation in the Urban Sector in Korea

3. Recommendations for International Development Cooperation in the Urban Sector in Korea

Issues and Trends 02

02 Eco-Smart City Initiatives in Korea / Sang Keon Lee

1. Background and Purpose

2. Fundamental Concepts and Goals

3. Promoting the Eco-Smart City Initiatives

4. Conclusion

In-Depth Look 01

03 Vietnam Disaster Risk Prevention Aid System for Urban Flooding / Byoung Jae Lee

1. Introduction

2. Development of Support Tools for Urban Planning-Oriented Measures for Vietnam’s Urban Flood Prevention

3. Vietnam’s Long-term Strategies for Urban Flood Prevention Measures and Implications for Other Developing Countries

In-Depth Look 02

04 How Korean Redevelopment and Latin American Slum Upgrading Diverge and Converge: Critical Reflections on Policy Responses to Urban Informality / Soo Jin Kim

1. Research Background

2. Research Purpose and Method

3. Critical Review of the Improvement Policy of Informal Settlements in Korea

4. Mechanism of the Korean Improvement Policy of Informal Settlements

5. Application to Latin American and the Caribbean Countries

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