Space & Environment

S & E (Vol. 76)

  • 2019-01-15
  • You Chanyong

SPACE &ENVIRONMENT VOL. 76 (December 2018)

In-Depth Look

01 Changes to Spatial Structures of National Territory and Policy Implications / SeongHee Min

1. Backgrounds

2. Characteristics of Demographic Changes and Spatial Structure of National Territory

3. Policy Implications from Changes in Spatial Structure of National Territory

02 Developing the KRIHS Disaster Risk Management System for Preventing Cities from Urban Flooding / Lee Sangeun, Lee Jongso, Kim Seulyea

1. Background

2. Urban flooding risk information in KRIHS-AID

3. Urban disaster prevention measures in KRIHS-AID

4. Conclusion

03 A Study on New Industrial Location Policy in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution / Gichan Nam

1. Overview

2. Analysis of Locations for New Industries and Policy Implications

3. Analysis of Establishment and Transfer of Companies in New Industries

4. Industrial Location Policy Implications in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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